Laozi reading group (5 August): The undifferentiated Dao and the spontaneity of ziran – chapter 25

In this session we will read chapter 25 of the Laozi which begins with a description of the Dao in its undifferentiated state. We will consider the various interpretations of this passage  and what it contributes to our understanding of the Dao. The discussion will also focus on the term ziran (natural, spontaneous, self-so). [...]

By |2020-07-31T08:50:54+00:00July 31st, 2020|Events, Reading Group|Comments Off on Laozi reading group (5 August): The undifferentiated Dao and the spontaneity of ziran – chapter 25

Laozi reading group (22 July): The potency of the valley and the simplicity of uncarved wood – chapter 28

In chapter 28 we will encounter several ideas and images that are distinctive features of the Daode jing. One of these is the concept of de (virtue, potency, power), which forms part of the title of the text and represents the manifestation of the Dao in individual beings and things. Related to de is [...]

By |2020-07-31T07:47:16+00:00July 22nd, 2020|Events, Reading Group|Comments Off on Laozi reading group (22 July): The potency of the valley and the simplicity of uncarved wood – chapter 28

Laozi reading group (8 July): Approaching the Laozi – chapter 1

In this session we explore the different ways of approaching the Laozi with a focus on chapter 1. We consider this in light of what the text says about the limitations of words and language and the issues of naming and knowledge: The Dao that can be spoken of is not the constant Dao [...]

By |2020-07-31T07:58:27+00:00July 8th, 2020|Events, Reading Group|Comments Off on Laozi reading group (8 July): Approaching the Laozi – chapter 1
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